Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood :
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is a historical third person, stealth action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in November 2010, and was released for Microsoft Windows in March 2011 and Mac OS X in May 2011. It is the third major installment in the Assassin's Creed series and the second chapter in the 'Ezio Trilogy'. The game is a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed II, with Ezio Auditore da Firenze and Desmond Miles returning as the main protagonists, and it takes place right after the conclusion of the previous game's story. It is the first game in the main series to feature a multiplayer mode. The upcoming game, Assassin's Creed: Revelations will be a sequel to the game, concluding Ezio's story as he travels to Constantinople.
Creed: Brotherhood is the first game in the main series to feature a
multiplayer mode. The players are Templars in training at the Abstergo
facility. They use the animi (plural for animus) seen at the beginning
of Assassin's Creed II to access memories of old Templars and to acquire
their skills using the "bleeding effect". There are eight game modes
(Wanted, Alliance, Manhunt, Chest Capture, Advanced Wanted, Advanced
Alliance, Escort and Assassinate) and different maps, including the
areas from the second and the third game like Florence, as well as new
maps like Rome, Castel Gandolfo, Siena and Mont Saint-Michel. The
gameplay in multiplayer mode is similar to the core gameplay of the
series, as players are required to use their assassination and stealth
skills. The players must hunt down targets while being hunted
themselves. Players earn points by performing assassinations, defending
against pursuers, attaining bonuses or completing mode-specific
all of the previous missions, as in Assassin's Creed II, Subject 16 has
placed hidden file fragments inside the Animus landscape in
Brotherhood. Once all of the fragments have been found and deciphered,
the consolidated file loads a framework-like level in the Animus.
Desmond makes his way through it and at the end encounters a virtual
copy of Subject 16, whose body is made up of code. His speech is
scattered and vague, but he tries to warn Desmond that there is little
time left. He says that "it is too late to save them" and that "she is
not who you think she is." He tells Desmond to find Eve in Eden and that
her DNA is the key. He then suddenly says, "The sun. Your son," and
trails off. Desmond tells him not to go, to which 16 replies, "I am with
you till the end. Find me in the darkness." He then disappears and the
framework world collapses.
the co-ordinates taken from Ezio's memories, Desmond, Lucy, Shaun and
Rebecca open the temple, intending to use the Apple to locate the
remaining temples in order to keep the other Pieces of Eden out of the
Templars' hands. As Desmond makes his way into the temple, he is
confronted with holographic apparitions of a being called Juno, who
appears to be of the same race as Minerva in Assassin's Creed II;
however, she is neither audible nor visible to Lucy, Shaun, or Rebecca.
Most of her comments center around humanity's lack of knowledge. She
states that humanity is "innocent and ignorant": that people were not
built to be wise, having been given only five of the six senses, sight,
smell, taste, touch, and hearing, but lacking knowledge. However, Juno
says that when the initial disaster that wiped out the first people came
to pass, they tried to "pass it on through the blood"; it is implied
that this sense is Desmond's "eagle vision", which is passed on through
the Assassin bloodlines. Her careful cadence then drops as she suddenly
becomes angry, yelling "We should have left you as you were!"
Animus Project Update 1.0
Animus Project Update 2.0
The Da Vinci Disappearance
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is a historical third person, stealth action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in November 2010, and was released for Microsoft Windows in March 2011 and Mac OS X in May 2011. It is the third major installment in the Assassin's Creed series and the second chapter in the 'Ezio Trilogy'. The game is a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed II, with Ezio Auditore da Firenze and Desmond Miles returning as the main protagonists, and it takes place right after the conclusion of the previous game's story. It is the first game in the main series to feature a multiplayer mode. The upcoming game, Assassin's Creed: Revelations will be a sequel to the game, concluding Ezio's story as he travels to Constantinople.
Creed: Brotherhood is a third person action-adventure video game with
main emphasis on sandbox style gameplay in an open world of Rome. Like
the previous installments, the gameplay's core mechanics are based on
parkour movements, crowd-blending stealth, assassinations and melee
fighting system. The combat system features several improvements and for
the first time in the series, the game offers a multiplayer mode
alongside 40+ hours of single-player gameplay.
game introduces a new management system: the player can recruit new
members by destroying any of fifteen "Borgia towers" around Rome where
papal troops are stationed, then rescuing disgruntled citizens in their
districts from harassing guards. The player, as Ezio, can then send them
to assignments around Europe or call them for support during missions
(if they are not already occupied). Tasking the novice Assassins makes
them gain experience, and the player is able to customize their
appearance, skills and weapon training to some degree by spending the
skill points they have earned. Assassins can die on missions, from which
they will not return. Ezio masters new gadgets, such as Leonardo da
Vinci's parachute, which can be used when jumping from tall buildings,
along with poison darts, a faster acting poison, a crossbow, and the
ability to hold and throw heavier weapons like axes.
primary setting is Rome, which has fallen into ruin due to the corrupt
rule of the Borgia papacy and the Templars over the Papal States and
concentrating all the wealth in the Vatican. Just like the town of
Monteriggioni in Assassin's Creed II, the player is able to invest in
the city and witness its development and unlock rewards. The player has
to conquer and destroy Borgia towers to free city zones from the
family's influence. Completing this unlocks new missions and
opportunities. Rome is the biggest city ever created after the first two
installments (Rome is three times bigger than Florence from Assassin's
Creed II) and includes five varied districts: Vatican, Downtown, Tiber,
Country and Antique. Unlike the previous installments, travel between
different cities or regions is no longer present, as most of the action
in the game takes place around the city of Rome. Instead, a series of
tunnel networks throughout the city allow the player to travel to
different sectors of the city with ease. However players will be able to
explore the entire city of Rome, visit a part of Navarre, Spain and
Monteriggioni in the present day.
combat system has been modified. Striking first and offensive actions
are more deadly in Brotherhood than previous games where counter-attacks
were the most efficient. Before, this made the player wait until the AI
struck, which slowed down the pace of fighting. The AI in this game is
thus more aggressive and enemies can attack simultaneously. To dispatch
them, Ezio can use melee and ranged weapons at the same time, as well as
introducing the hidden pistol in combat. After killing one enemy the
player can start an execution streak to dispatch multiple enemies
quickly. Ezio can throw heavy weapons (axes, spears, and swords) at his
enemies. There are new enemy archetypes in addition to those seen in
Assassin's Creed II such as horsemen, arquebusiers, papal guards and
play a larger role in Brotherhood, not only used as a means of
transport (inside the city for the first time), but as a component of
acrobatic sequences and advanced combat as well, allowing ranged weapons
to be used while riding them. Brotherhood also introduces various types
of horse-related assassinations, featuring horse-to-horse
assassinations. There are environmental objects like the flower pot in
Assassin's Creed II to move faster inside the city (a system of tunnels
around the city allow fast travel), as well as new objects such as
merchandise lifts to quickly climb up high buildings or structures.
previous installments, Desmond can leave the Animus at almost any time.
This allows Desmond to explore the present-day town of Monteriggioni.
The player is also offered virtual training, a mini-game where the
player may test their free-running or combat skills.

multiplayer mode also includes a leveling system, which allows players
to unlock rewards by earning experience points during the matches and
gaining new levels. Players can then unlock abilities, perks and
streaks. Abilities are active skills, which can be used again only after
a cool down time. Perks are passive skills, which can be equipped
before the match and they are active all the time. Streaks are bonuses
awarded for reaching certain number of successful or failed contracts.
The multiplayer beta, exclusive to PlayStation 3 users, was announced at
E3 2010. It began on 4 October 2010, with early access for PlayStation
Plus subscribers from 27 September, and ended on 18 October 2010. Three
maps were playable in the beta: Rome, Castel Gandolfo and Siena.
Game modes
Wanted, at least six players are on a map where they must find and
assassinate each other. Each player is given another player as a target.
The goal is to find and kill a target without being seen or killed by
the player's own pursuer or pursuers. If the player breaks cover, they
are more easily spotted by pursuer or target alike, sometimes resulting
in a chase. The player with the highest score at the end of the session
wins. Players will lose their contract if they kill an NPC, are stunned
by their target or their target is killed by another player. A player
cannot kill another player who is not the target, but they can stun
their hunter. Advanced Wanted mode is a variant of Wanted mode, with
differences including an increased amount of NPCs on the map to make it
difficult to pick out targets, and a less accurate compass. There is
generally more stealth involved in this mode than in basic wanted.
Assassinate mode is similar to Wanted, but instead of target contracts
being assigned to players, all players are fair game. Players must
identify other player characters and lock on before assassinating.
Because two players can kill each other, whoever locks on first becomes
the hunter and the other becomes the target. The standard compass found
in Wanted is replaced by directional arrows based on proximity, that
grow to become arcs around the perimeter of the compass as other players
near, and will eventually create a full circle when other players are
very close. As in other modes, the player with the highest score at the
end of the session is the winner.
Alliance, there are three teams, each limited to two players, both of
which use the same persona. The point of this mode is to get more points
than the other teams, but each team is chased by another and is only
allowed to kill one specific team (not the team chasing them, but they
will be able to stun the team hunting them). This mode encourages
players to work together, as teammates can help each other or they can
assassinate their targets simultaneously.The Advanced Alliance mode is a
variant of Alliance mode, however the players' compasses as well as
target engagement becomes more difficult, similar to the Advanced Wanted
Manhunt there are two teams of four. One team is the hunters, the other
is the hunted. Each team looks like a specific character and takes
turns being the hunter and the hunted. Hunters obtain points by
assassinations, while the hunted obtain points from escapes, stuns, and
remaining hidden. The team with the highest score wins. In Chest Capture
there are two teams of four. One team is the hunters, and the other is
the hunted who need to steal chests by standing close to them. Each team
looks like a specific character and takes turns being the hunter and
the hunted. Hunters obtain points by assassinations, while the hunted
obtain points from escapes, stuns, and stealing chests. The team with
the highest score wins. The Escort mode sees one team of four players
protecting a wandering NPC while the other team of four tries to
assassinate him. There are two NPCs to protect at a time and they walk
through a series of checkpoints, which are visible to both teams. When
an escorted NPC is killed, another is synchronized. This mode has two
rounds with each team playing once as escort and once as assassins.
are able to choose one of the 21 available characters: Courtesan,
Barber, Priest, Noble, Prowler, Executioner, Doctor, Blacksmith,
Captain, Smuggler, Engineer, Footpad, Thief, Hellequin (a female
Harlequin, which is available through uPlay) and Mercenary. Two special
characters were only available in the selected pre-order editions of the
game: the Harlequin and the Officer. However, these two pre-order
special characters are also included in The Da Vinci Disappearance
downloadable content as are the formerly pre-order only Trajan Market
and Aqueducts special locations. The pack contains 4 new characters,
Dama Rossa, Knight, Marquis, and Pariah. Each character has unique
assassination moves and a signature weapon. Characters can be customized
as the player levels up. These customization options include changing
the color of the outfit, and equipping different gear.
continuing story is set in 2012. After escaping the Templars' attack at
the end of Assassin's Creed II, Desmond Miles and other modern-day
Assassins flee to Monteriggioni, establishing a new hideout in the ruins
of the Villa Auditore. After restoring the electricity in the old
tunnels under the villa, the player once again takes control of Ezio
Auditore through the genetic memory of Desmond Miles using the Animus
2.0 (which is the game's memory interface).
story continues in 1499, Where he exits the vault, still confused by
what he saw inside. He escapes Rome with his uncle Mario Auditore and
arrives at Monteriggioni. Once home, Ezio is comforted by the prospect
that his personal vendetta is over and that his days as an Assassin are
done. Machiavelli challenges Ezio's decision to leave Rodrigo Borgia,
the Pope, alive. The following morning Monteriggioni is besieged by
Cesare Borgia, son of Rodrigo Borgia. The Assassins are overpowered by
this attack and retreat, leaving the entire city in ruins. Mario is
killed in the attack, after being shot by Cesare, and the Apple of Eden,
the mysterious artifact of great power, is lost to Cesare and the
Templars. Ezio escapes with his family and travels to Rome, the center
of the Templar Order in Italy, once again seeking vengeance against the
Borgias. There, he discovers that the Assassins are failing in the fight
against corruption. Determined to redeem the Guild, Ezio convinces the
current head of the Assassins, Machiavelli, that he has what it takes to
lead, while assembling a Brotherhood powerful enough to destroy the
Templars and Ezio's new arch-nemesis, Cesare Borgia.
the attack on the Villa, Ezio's ally Caterina Sforza is taken away by
Cesare's army. While trying to rescue Caterina from the Castel Sant
Angelo, Ezio witnesses Cesare passionately kissing his sister, Lucrezia
Borgia. Once Cesare has left, Ezio sneaks into the Castel, holding
Lucrezia hostage, and uses her to free Caterina from her cell. Ezio
reintroduces the mysterious thief, La Volpe, the condottiere Bartolomeo
d'Alviano and his sister, Claudia into the guild, recruiting the city's
underground of thieves, courtesans and mercenaries to his cause. He then
attacks each of Cesare's resources. He kills Cesare's Banker,
withdrawing Cesare's battle funds. He kills the leader of the French
troops helping Cesare, the Baron de Valois, leaving the troops in
disarray. He also obtains a key to a secret door to the Castello, from
Lucrezia's secret lover whilst stopping an attempt on his life. After
proving to all that he can lead, Ezio is made head of the Assassin's
guild, and promoted to the rank of Il Mentore.

the end of the game, Rodrigo becomes suspicious of his son's
activities. Cesare returns to Rome to ask his father for more money and
the use of the Apple of Eden artifact after Ezio cuts his funding. His
father refuses to give him more funds and, instead, attempts to murder
him using a poisoned apple. Cesare, saved from death by his sister's
warning, turns the tables on his father by shoving the poisoned apple in
his mouth when Rodrigo refuses to reveal the location of the Apple of
Eden. When Cesare storms off to look for the artifact - destroying his
relationship with his sister in the process - Ezio races ahead and uses
the Apple to destroy Cesare's army and to make his supporters withdraw
their backing from his campaign to become King of Italy. When all of his
"friends" have abandoned him, Cesare is arrested by Pope Julius II's
Papal Army for murder and incest, finally leaving Rome in peace.
however, is not convinced, and so uses the Apple to locate Cesare. He
discovers that the Borgia Captain General escaped from his prison and
launched an attack on a small city in Navarre, Spain. Ezio arrives and
corners Cesare on the battlements of a crumbling castle. Ezio and Cesare
engage in a sword fight, but Ezio overpowers his enemy. Cesare,
however, claims he cannot be killed by the hand of man, and so Ezio
decides to "let fate decide". He drops Cesare off the castle
battlements, therefore not directly killing him. Ezio then takes the
Apple and hides it in a place in which no one will find it - another
temple, this one built underneath Santa Maria in Aracoeli, within The
Temple of Juno.

staircase leading to the Apple is activated and Desmond and the others
ascend it. Desmond approaches the Apple and glowing symbols begin to
appear in the air. As Shaun starts to explain what they are, Desmond
touches the Apple. His DNA activates it and suddenly they are all
frozen, although Desmond can still speak. Juno cryptically says that
Desmond is descended from her race and their enemy. She then says that
there is a woman who is supposed to accompany him through "the gate",
but she is not with him. She says, "The cross darkens the horizon," a
possible reference to the Templars, and takes control of Desmond's body,
forcing him to draw his hidden blade saying, "The Path must be opened,"
and that "the scales must be balanced". She then begins to force
Desmond to walk towards Lucy. Desmond pleads with Juno to stop, but she
replies, "You know so very little. We must guide you!" and he is forced
to stab Lucy in the abdomen. Both fall to the ground unconscious, with
Desmond going into a coma (resulting from the shock of stabbing Lucy)
and Lucy's fate left uncertain. Then, as the credits roll Juno can be
heard saying "It is done". 'William M.' (a high-ranking Assassin who
emails both Lucy and Shaun during the game) is heard during the credits,
ordering another Assassin to put Desmond back into the Animus.
Creed: Brotherhood was developed by Ubisoft Montreal. Montreal also
worked on both of the other main Assassin's Creed games in the series
and was thus chosen to lead production for the third installment. A new
Assassin's Creed episode featuring multiplayer was announced during
Ubisoft's 2009 fiscal third quarter results while not revealing its
name. In early May 2010, a GameStop employee published on the internet
some images of a pre-order box featuring the Assassin's Creed:
Brotherhood title while Ubisoft was teasing the game on Facebook and
Twitter. Ubisoft then confirmed the authenticity of these pictures.
Brotherhood has not been numbered unlike Assassin's Creed II because
players, and even developers themselves would have expected a new
setting and a new ancestor while this is only the continuation of Ezio's
game was developed primarily by Ubisoft Montreal in Canada. Production
was aided in part by four other Ubisoft developers: Annecy, Singapore,
Bucharest and Québec City. The multiplayer mode is mainly developed by
Ubisoft Annecy, the studio responsible for creating multiplayer mode in
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Ubisoft also announced plans
for downloadable content (DLC) after the game's launch. Two sets of free
DLC have already been released under the names "Animus Project Update
1.0" and "Animus Project Update 2.0". The first includes the new map
Mont Saint-Michel and one new mode, Advanced Alliance. The "Animus
Project Update 2.0" was released in January 2011, was also free, and
included another map, mode and the introduction of a player grading
system. From the perspective of performance, Ubisoft have commented that
they hope the gaps between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions will
be even smaller with Brotherhood.
Additionally, humorist Danny Wallace and actress Kristen Bell reprise their roles from Assassin's Creed II.
still in development, creative director Patrice Désilets left before
the game's presentation at the E3 2010. Ubisoft and production manager
Jean-Francois Boivin stated that he only took a "creative break" after
completing his task on Brotherhood. A teaser trailer of the multiplayer
mode was released on the official site before the E3. A cinematic debut
trailer was diffused during Ubisoft's E3 2010 press conference along a
walkthrough of the game's beginning. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
reached gold status on October 28, 2010. The Microsoft Windows version
has Nvidia 3D Vision and multi screen support through AMD Eyefinity. It
also uses Tagès copy protection, as well as Ubisoft online services
plaform, but doesn't require an always-on Internet connection to play.
On November 30, 2010, a novelization of the game was published. The
novel is a sequel to the previous novel.
Retail editions
are different special retail editions of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
Different editions are available in different regions. There is also a
certain number of pre-order bonuses, which may vary, depending on the
retailer. Some retailers also offered the access to the multiplayer beta
on the Sony PlayStation 3 system as a pre-order bonus. All versions of
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for the PlayStation 3 feature exclusive
free additional downloadable content called the Copernicus Conspiracy
which became available on the PlayStation Store on November 16, 2010.
Players have access to several new missions featuring the famous
Renaissance astronomer Copernicus. Extra content includes courier,
assassination and protection missions - Ezio will be tasked with foiling
the conspiracy against Copernicus and defending his philosophy. The PC
version of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was released by Akella in
Russia in exclusive Collector's Edition featuring 6 metal figurines of
multiplayer characters.
Uplay system enables further in-game enhancements which can be redeemed
by points that are given when playing the game. The available awards
are an AC Brotherhood Theme or Wallpaper for PC, Florentine Noble
Attire, Armor of Altaïr, Altaïr’s Robes, Gun Capacity Upgrade and
Hellequin character.
Animus Project Update 1.0
Animus Project Update 1.0 included a new game mode and new map. The
game mode, Advanced Alliance, is a version of the Alliance mode, with
target identification and engagement more difficult than in the
original, thus providing a more challenging experience for players. With
three teams of two players each, Advanced Alliance is a tougher test
for players and rewards teams that work together. The new map, Mont
Saint-Michel, is located on a rocky tidal island of Normandy in France.
Its particular topography of narrow streets, high-perched bell-tower and
multi-leveled architecture is perfect for hunters and predators alike
to surge from out of nowhere to execute their prey. To survive, recruits
need to use free-running and narrow roads to their advantage.
Animus Project Update 2.0
Animus Project Update 2.0, which is available now, includes a new game
mode and map. The Pienza Map provides a free-running playground with
wide-open plaza areas, where predators and targets can quickly blend and
disappear, surrounded by narrow alleys and multi-story buildings for
extra verticality. In the new Chest Capture multiplayer mode, two teams
composed of three players compete as Hunters and Protectors; partnered
with fellow Templars, Hunters will attempt to steal the contents of the
chests scattered around the map as protectors attempt to prevent this.
Also included in the update is a Templar Score feature to reward
diligent work by Abstergo recruits. Advanced Alliance is also packaged
with the new DLC, while the Mont Saint-Michel map is not. Only one DLC
can be activated at a time, so players will either be missing the new
map from the 1.0 update or the new mode, new map and Templar Scoring
from the 2.0 update.
The Da Vinci Disappearance
Da Vinci Disappearance, available March 8, 2011 on Xbox LIVE and
PlayStation Network, features new content for both single player and
multiplayer modes. For the single player game, this downloadable content
includes 8 new missions, 2 new locations, and 10 achievements. The
multiplayer content includes two new game modes, new map and four new
characters. The PC version includes DLC for free (it must be activated
through Uplay) along with both Animus Project Updates. In March, the "Da
Vinci Edition" of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, was released for
consoles. This version includes the Da Vinci Disappearance DLC.
story revolves around Leonardo Da Vinci's mysterious disappearance.
Ezio arrives at Da Vinci's workshop with his assistant Salai and finds
Leonardo missing. It is soon revealed that Leonardo found a secret vault
and his plans were discovered by the Hermetics, members of the Cult of
Hermes. Ezio finds writing on the floor that implies he should seek out
five of Da Vinci's paintings once owned by Ezio at Monteriggioni but now
missing. The majority of this sequence focuses on the search for and
retrieval of these paintings by Ezio. After finding these paintings,
Ezio identifies the location of a new subterranean location in Roma and
proceeds there, to find Da Vinci imprisoned by Hermetics. After freeing
Da Vinci, the two of them find another vault, in which they are revealed
the numbers 43 39 19 N and 75 27 42 W. Ezio comments on these numbers
"It is not intended for us". At the end of the sequence, two male voices
(one is the Assassin, William) are heard commenting that Desmond has
fallen into a coma. They also comment "we have a location for the
temple" and "then what are you waiting for, let's go."
Creed: Brotherhood has been very well-received by critics. Aggregating
review websites GameRankings and Metacritic gave the Xbox 360 version
90.59% and 89/100, the PlayStation 3 version 90.06% and 90/100 and the
PC version 88.40% and 88/100. It won best Action Adventure game in the
Spike TV Video Game Awards 2010 The game has also been nominated for 7
British Academy Video Games Awards in 2011, including Best Game. It won
an award in the Action category. Losing to Mass Effect 2 in the category
for Best Game.
multiplayer was heralded by many at E3 2010, where it was showcased for
the first time. GameTrailers lauded it as the Best Multiplayer Game of
the show.The multiplayer portion of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was
generally well-received by critics. Game Informer gave the Brotherhood a
9.25/10, commenting that the ability to raise a group of followers was a
significant enhancement to the previous title's gameplay, and praising
the new multiplayer mode as something never before seen. The magazine's
review also gave very high marks to the graphics, sound effects and
voice acting.
praised everything about Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, giving it a
10/10, and particularly noted the maturity of the story: "One mission
sees Ezio disrupting an assassination attempt in the ruins of the Roman
Colosseum during a play about the death of Jesus Christ. It demands a
developer of poise and compassion to wield such thorny concepts deftly,
and it's a measure of Ubisoft Montreal's maturity that it is more than
equal to the challenge...Brotherhood builds an intriguing mystery around
compelling characters, surrounds them with collectibles and secrets,
and encourages play – and nothing feels out of place."
for the delayed PC version questioned the reason behind the delayed
release date as the game was virtually unchanged from the console
version albeit with better graphical enhancements and minor bonus
content. However most praised Ubisoft's move to remove the DRM that
marred the PC version of Assassin's Creed II as well as include all DLC
free of charge.
game passed the one million sales mark in less than a week after its
release. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood has become Ubisoft's
fastest-selling European title ever. It also had the best Ubisoft's
launch in Europe and is the best-selling launch title ever as of
November 2010. As of May 2011, Ubisoft announced the game had shipped 8
million copies and helped the entire Assassin's Creed series to achieve
over 28 million units sold.
May 5, 2011 Assassin's Creed: Revelations was revealed to be the next
major installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise. The game will be
the second to have three playable characters (Altair, Ezio and Desmond)
after Assassin's Creed II, which focused on Ezio and Desmond while
Altair made a brief playable cameo. It will be set in Constantinople, at
the peak of the Ottoman Empire. Revelations will bring back the
multiplayer experience first introduced in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
with "more modes, more maps and more characters" according to the
official announcement.
Developer(s) Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher(s) Ubisoft
Series Assassin's Creed
Engine Anvil, Havok (Physics Engine)
Platform(s) PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Release date(s) PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360, NA November 16, 2010, AUS November 18, 2010, EU November 19, 2010, JP December 9, 2010
Microsoft Windows, AUS March 17, 2011, EU March 18, 2011, NA March 22, 2011, JP June 3, 2011
Genre(s) Third-person action-adventure, Sandbox
Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer
System requirements | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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